Vita Blog


Geh sorgsam mit dir um,
dich kann’s nur einmal geben
und auch nur kurz-
man darf dich nicht verbrauchen wie einen Rohstoff.
Du bist kein Produkt.
Entzieh dich der Statistik,
du bist wichtig.
Bewahre dich.
weiche der Härte aus,
verweigere dich den Überflüssigkeiten.
Gib deine Antworten selbst.
stell selber deine Fragen,
gib acht auf dich.
dich gibt es nur einmal.

the circle

In the circle, we are all equal

there ist no one in front of you

there is nobody behind you.

no one is above, no one is below you.

the circle is sacred

because it is designed to create unity

(lakota wisdom)


Gott: Koffer packen, es ist Zeit zu gehen..
Mensch: Wirklich? So schnell? Ich hatte noch so viele Pläne …
Gott: Es tut mir leid, aber es ist Zeit, dass du gehst.
Mensch: Was ist in diesem Koffer?
Gott: was dir gehört.
Mensch: Was gehört mir? Du meinst mein Geschäft… Kleider… Geld …
Gott: Diese Dinge gehörten nie dir, sie gehören der Erde.
Mensch: Könnten das meine Erinnerungen sein?
Gott: Nein, sie gehören zur Zeit.
Mensch: sind das meine Talente?
Gott: Nein. Du gehörst zu den Umständen.
Person: Sind das meine Freunde und Familie?
Gott: nein, mein Sohn. Sie gehören zu dem Pfad, auf dem du gegangen bist.
Mann: sind das meine Frau und meine Kinder?
Gott: Nein. Sie gehören zu deinem Herzen.
Mensch: Dann ist das vielleicht mein Körper.
Gott: Nein. Nein… Die Leiche zerfällt zu Staub.
Mensch: Dann muss das meine Seele sein?
Gott: Du hast es falsch verstanden. Deine Seele gehört mir.
Ein Mann mit tränenden Augen und Angst nimmt einen Koffer aus Gottes Hand und öffnet ihn… Leer!!
Mit gebrochenem Herzen und Tränen, die über sein Gesicht fließen, fragt der Mann Gott: War jemals etwas meins?
Gott: Es ist so. Du hattest nie etwas.
Mensch: Aber wirklich? Was war meins?
Gott: Es ist in deinen MOMENTEN. Jeder Moment, den du gelebt hast, gehörte dir.

schafft unvergessliche Momente.

geteilte Momente

geschenkte Momente

stille Momente




das einfach SEIN…

immer wieder

neue Momente.


You are not your age,

Nor the size of clothes you wear,

You are not a weight

or the color of your hair.

You are not your name

or the dimples in your cheeks.


You are all the books you read

and the words you speak,

You are your croaky morning voice,

and the miles you try to hide,


You are the sweetness in your laughter

and every tear you have cried.

You are the songs you sing so loudly

when you know you are all alone;

You are the one that you call home

You are the things that you love

You are the photos in your bedroom

and the future you dream of.

You are made of so much beauty,


but it seems that you forgot

who you are

when you decided that you were defined

by all the things you are not.


Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace the may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others,

even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter;

for always there will be greater and lesser persons.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your career, however humble;

it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery.

But let this not blind you to what vertue there is many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection.

Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.

Take kindly to the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.

But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle to yourself.

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;

you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be,

and whatever your labors and aspirations,

in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.

Be cheerful.

Strive to be happy.

by Max Ehrmann


It is said that before entering the sea

a river trembles with fear.

She looks back at the path she has traveled,

from the peaks of the mountains,

the long winding road crossing forests and villages.

And in front of her,

she sees an ocean so vast,

that to enter

there seems nothing more than to disappear forever.

But there is no other way.

The river can not go back.

Nobody can go back.

To go back is impossible in existence.

The river needs to take the risk

of entering the ocean

because only then will fear disappear,

because that`s where the river will know

it`s not about disappearing into the ocean,

but of becoming the ocean.


Khalil Gibran

Welcher Moment hat Ihr Leben in eine andere Richtung geführt? Ein Wendepunkt?

Remo Scherer: 

Wendepunkte ziehen sich wie eine Perlenkette durch mein Leben. Sie entpuppten sich meist nach Momenten der Selbstreflektion. Nicht jeder Wendepunkt löste die gleiche Wirkung aus. Der jüngste und bis jetzt wohl eindrücklichste Wendepunkt ist zum Teil immer noch im Gange. Diese gesellschaftlichen, medialen, innenpolitischen wie auch geopolitischen Dinge, Veränderungen und Offenbarungen der letzten Monaten hautnah, proaktiv mitzuerleben, halte ich für den Wendepunkt mit den grössten Auswirkungen in meinem Leben. Dies, weil es auf alle Bereiche meines Seins, meines ganzen Umfelds, meines Alltags, rückwirkend auf die Vergangenheit und auch auf meinen zukünftigen Weg eine derartige Veränderung auslöste. Eine Veränderung in der Wahrnehmung und im Bewusstsein mir selbst und der Aussenwelt gegenüber. Wenn der jahrelange Schleier fällt, erfährt man das als eine Herausforderung voller Höhen und Tiefen, dies Stück um Stück zuzulassen und weiter diesen Lösungsprozess zu leben.

3 Mindfulness Tips to Reduce Anxiety

3 Mindfulness Tips to Reduce Anxiety

Have you ever had your heart race, palms become sweaty, or have difficulty focusing because you’re so nervous? These are some of the signs of anxiety.

Anxiety can be debilitating for some people, and for others it might just amount to a few minutes of feeling nervous.

Unfortunately, for some people when anxiety does hit, it can cause you to freeze and be unable to focus, respond, or engage in everyday tasks. For most people, anxiety is the result of thinking about something out of your control, or of something in the future.

Jon Kabat-Zinn PhD, is the founder of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). According to Kabat-Zinn, mindfulness is “paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally, to the unfolding of experience moment to moment.“

Regulate Your Breathing

One of the most common physical reactions when people experience anxiety is that their breathing rate increases or minds race. Using the basis of mindfulness, and paying attention on purpose, notice your breath as it goes in through your nostrils, and then again as you let your breath out through your mouth. Start by taking three slow deep breaths, and when you breathe in say “in” to yourself, hold for a count of at least four, and then say “out” to yourself as you release the breath.

When you are focusing in the moment on your breath, and only on your breath, it’s hard to focus on anything else. If needed, you can continue past three breaths, and do this until you are able to regulate your breathing.

If that technique is too challenging, or uncomfortable, try counting with each breath until you reach ten. Therefore, each breath in and out is a count. When your mind starts to wander, which is really normal, start back at the number one. Most people don’t reach ten, and that is okay. The important part is that you bring your attention back to your breath which helps you focus in the moment, therefore helps to decrease anxiety.

Use Your Senses

Once again, by being mindful and paying attention to your senses, you can only focus on what you are paying attention to in the moment.

Notice the following:

  • 5 Things You Can See
    • What you can see around you.
    • What you can see in your mind if you close your eyes.
  • 4 Things You Can Touch
    • You can touch your arms, legs, etc, or things around you.
    • You can pay attention to how your feet are touching the ground.
    • How your legs are touching the chair you’re sitting on.
    • How your back is touching the back of the chair or couch you’re sitting on.
    • You can touch things around you.
  • 3 Things You Can Hear
    • What sounds can you hear?
      • If you’re outside, pay attention to nature sounds, or maybe an airplane flying overhead.
      • If you’re inside, notice other voices in the room, music playing, the air conditioner running.
  • 2 Things You Can Smell
    • Notice if there is a particular scent in the air.
    • Scratch your nails on an orange, and smell the scent it gives off.
    • Use essential oils (i.e., lavender is often calming)
  • 1 Thing You Can Taste
    • Is there something you can find to eat?
    • Chew gum.
    • Pay attention to the taste of a hard candy.

Engage in an Activity that Requires Focus

  • Color in a coloring book or color a mandala. When you are coloring in small spaces, it takes a lot of focus to stay in the lines.
  • Play a musical instrument.
  • Bake something. This takes a lot of focus because when you’re baking, the measurements must be exact.
  • Knit, cross-stitch, or crochet.
  • Choose another activity that you enjoy that requires focus.

However you choose to engage in a mindful activity, remember that the key is to try and stay in the present moment, and avoid looking at future events to help reduce any symptoms of anxiety.
